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Teaching and Learning at Pilton

The Learning at Pilton model guides teaching practice in every classroom across our school. 

Underpinned by research and evidence which include Rosenshine's Principles in Action (Tom Sherrington), Teach Like a Champion (Doug Lemov) and Teaching Walkthrus (Sherrington & Caviglioli).

The Learning at Pilton model aims to offer every student a consistent and high-quality Teaching and Learning experience every day.  Regular CPD focused on the Learning at Pilton model ensures our staff are knowledgeable and well trained and are able to confidently and effectively make adaptations to suit their context and subject. 

Alongside this, every teacher, Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) and Teaching Assistant (TA) receives fortnightly coaching.  The Teacher WalkThrus are used to inform coaching so that every teaching member of staff can improve - not because they're not good enough, but because we can all be even better. 


Learning at pilton