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The Board of Governors meets each term and supports the school in its strategic development. The Board comprises Parent, Community and Staff Governors, details of whom are detailed below.

The Chair of the Board is Penny Beales. If you wish to contact the Governors, letters should be sent to the school office, marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors. Alternatively, the Governors can be emailed at, marked for the attention of the Clerk.

Mr Graham Hill: Staff Governor (Head Teacher)

Ms Penny Beales: Community Governor  (Chair)

Mr Mark Cartmell: Community Governor

Mrs Rebekah Butler: Staff Governor

Mrs Julia Elston: Staff Governor

David Hymer: Parent Governor

Mrs Beverley Dalton: Parent Governor

Mrs Kate Gibbon: Parent Governor

Mrs Holly Francis: Parent Governor

Mr Peter Cox: Community Governor


Governor Terms of Reference

Governor Information and Declaration of Interests Autumn 2024