Visit Trust

Key Policies

Detailed below are policies specific to Pilton Community College.  All other Trust-wide policies are available from the Ventrus website.


Policies Date  
2023 24 Determined Admission policy 19th Oct 2022 Download
2024 25 Determined Admission policy 01st Feb 2023 Download
2025-26 Determined Admission policy 26th Mar 2024 Download
Accessibility Plan 2022 16th Sep 2022 Download
Anti Bullying Guidance 2023 29th Mar 2023 Download
Attendance Policy January 2024 20th May 2024 Download
Behaviour Policy - January 2024 01st Feb 2024 Download
Careers Policy 2023 13th Dec 2023 Download
CCTV Policy 2023 02nd Jan 2024 Download
Charging & Remissions 2023 02nd Jan 2024 Download
Collective Worship 2022 14th Dec 2022 Download
Complaints Policy 2022 26th Sep 2022 Download
Data Protection Policy 2023 24 06th Sep 2023 Download
Data Protection Request Handling Procedure 2023 24 06th Sep 2023 Download
DTLAC 2023 02nd Jan 2024 Download
Equality and diversity 2024-28 05th Jul 2024 Download
Exclusion Policy 2024 25th Mar 2024 Download
First Aid & Administration of Medicines 12th Jun 2023 Download
FOI Publication Scheme January 2023 02nd Feb 2023 Download
Health & Safety Policy 2024 25th Mar 2024 Download
Intimate Care July 2022 28th Sep 2022 Download
RE Policy 2023 29th Mar 2023 Download
RSE Policy 2023 13th Dec 2023 Download
Safeguarding & Child Protection 16th Oct 2023 Download
Secondary Outdoor Education Visits Off Site Activities 30.01.23 02nd Feb 2023 Download
SEND 2023 24 02nd Jan 2024 Download
SEND Information Report 2022-23 30th Nov 2022 Download
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2023 02nd Jan 2024 Download
Whistleblowing Policy 2022 14th Dec 2022 Download