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Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph

Nov 14, 2023

Thanks to MFL teacher Sarah Fletcher for sharing her photos and experience of Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph at the weekend. Sarah's husband, Richard, served 35 years with the Royal Marines and has medals for deployments to Northern Ireland, Kosovo (UN peacekeeping mission), Iraq (Operation Telic, 2003) and Afghanistan. He is pictured with fellow Royal Marines veteran Mark "Nutty" Edwards MBE, who's the dad of ex Pilton student Brandon. Mark got his MBE for representing Great Britain in boxing (middleweight) at the 1992 summer Olympics. Richard and Mark were invited by the Royal British Legion to join a group of 90 veterans from all over the UK representing the Royal Marines at Remembrance Day 2023. The main parade, led by King Charles, was followed by a special ceremony at the Graspan Royal Marines Memorial on The Mall to commemorate fallen comrades and those who have died over the past year.